The Land of Israel Network
Rabbanit Chana Henkin is Founder and Dean of Nishmat, The Jeannie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women. She and her husband Rabbi Yehuda Henkin forged the way for the ‘yoetzot Halacha’ (learned women giving advice on Jewish law) and completely raised the level of women’s involvement and influence in all areas of Jewish life. The State of Israel recognized her extraordinary contribution by choosing her to light one of the torches to open celebrations of our 69th Independence Day this week.
But first comes Memorial Day, when we commemorate our fallen, including her brilliant son Rabbi Eitam and his wife Na’ama, murdered by terrorists in front of their 4 young children 19 months ago. She explains to Eve that her faith was not affected, but the pain and loss is palpable. As with all births, modern Israel is great suffering mixed with incalculable joy and many miracles.
May Hashem give His people strength and bless us with peace.
ה׳ עוז לעמו יתן; ה׳ יברך את עמו בשלום
A great woman. The matriarchs would be proud.
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