Media Room
Mazaltov to our Alumnae & Staff – March 2013

Mazaltov to the following couples, may you be zoche to build a Bayit Ne'eman B'Yisrael!

Camille Herrmann (Alisa Flatow 5770) on her engagement to Shaul Spingarn

Orit Yayech (N.E.W 5766) on her marriage to Reuven Abebe

Debby and Ron Spinner on the marriage of their son Arieh to Danielle

Leah Dachman (Alisa Flatow 5772) on her marriage to Yoni Vick

Ayala Raice (Shana BaAretz 5768) on her marriage to Sam Pearlson

Aviva Novick (SB 5770) on her marriage to Michael Sterman

Mazaltov on your new additions – may you be zoche to raise them to Torah, Chuppah & Ma'asim Tovim!

Shalvie (Gordon) (Shana BaAretz 5768) and Moshe Friedman on the birth of a baby girl

Esther and Rabbi Chaim Sacknovitz on the birth of a grandson

Avital (Shiur Aleph 5770, currently in the Tochnit Hemshech) and Shlomi Reich on the birth of a daughter, Maayan Rivka

Nishmat expresses condolences to the following families, may you be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim:

Mindella and Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, Honorary President of American Friends of Nishmat, on the loss of his daughter Sara Lamm Dratch. Sara's daughter Bobbie is a weekly volunteer at Nishmat

Jessica Weiss (Alisa Flatow 5771) on the loss of her father

Dr Sari Mansheim (Nishmat Alumna) on the loss of her father Dr. Michael Ryvicker

Please let us know if you have a simcha or other news – we would love to hear from you!