Media Room
Mazaltov to our Alumnae & Staff – September 2013

Mazaltov to the following families -may you be zoche to raise them to Torah, Chuppah & Ma'asim Tovim!

Sholem and Wendy Greenbaum (AFN Board Vice President and Chair of Nishmat International Board of Governors) on the birth of a granddaughter

Rabbi Da'vid (Nishmat Halacha Teacher) and Rebbetzin Reva Sperling on the birth of a granddaughter

David and Sarena Koschitzky (International Board of Governors) on the birth of a grandson

Liora (Jonas), (Shana BaAretz 5768) Michael & big sister Anaelle Stein on the birth of a son and brother

Mazal Tov to the following couples, may you be zoche to build a bayit ne'eman b'Yisrael!

Jocelyn Eckert (Alisa Flatow 5772, 5773) on her marriage to Adam Block

Ariel Karp (Shana BaAretz 5770) on her engagement to Jonathan Heller

Hadas Schreiber (Israeli Midrasha 5772) on her engagement

Shimrit Yalo (Maayan Hemshech 5773) on her engagement

Reut Tzadok (Israeli Midrasha 5772) on her engagement

Rachel Sapoznik (Nishmat International Board of Governors) on the engagement of her son Michael

Gabi Kuroiva (Alisa Flatow 5769 – 5772) on her engagement to Shmuel

Cheryl Stone (Alisa Flatow 5768) on her marriage to Shaul Janes

Eliane Rahmani (Alisa Flatow 5771) on her marriage to Stefan Goltzberg

Mazal tov to Rachel (Rellie) Berkowitz (Alisa Flatow 5770) on her graduation as a Physician Assistant.