Media Room
Mazaltov to our Alumnae & Staff – January 2014
Mazel Tov to  the following couples, may they be zoche to build a bayit ne'eman b'Yisrael:

Sara Dvora Howson (Current Alisa Flatow Student) & Aharon Dovid on their engagement

Rivka Rumshiskaya (Shana BaAretz 5772) & Eilon Berger on their engagement

Miriam Berger (Alisa Flatow 5768) & Daniel Livshin on their engagement

Shira Benzaquen (SBA 5769) on her engagement to Daniel Rogoff

Rivka Fogel (Summer 5770) on her engagement

Mazaltov to the following families on their new additions, may they grow to Torah, Chuppa & Maasim Tovim:

Shikma (Administrative Coordinator of Maayan Join College Program) & Rabbi Reuven Ganzel on the birth of their daughter

Deborah (Alisa Flatow 5772) & Joseph Kryss on the birth of their son, Jacob Mendel

Ora (Yoetzet Halacha & Faculty Member) and Naftali Derovan on the birth of a daughter, Ayala Rachel

Esther Avra (Madricha of the Maayan Join College Program) and family on the birth of a daughter

Shira Cfir (Yoetzet Halacha) and family on the birth of a son

Ariel (Alisa Flatow 5770) and Rabbi David Pardo on the birth of their daughter

Mazel Tov to the following alumnae on their Aliyah & welcome home:

Basia Wieczorek (Alisa Flatow 5769) from Poland

Joana Abercassis (Summer 5773) from France

If you have a simcha in your family, we would love to hear from you!