Stuie (Nishmat Chairman) and Claire Hershkowitz on the marriage of their son, Matan
Elizabeth Bitterman (Alisa Flatow 5774) and Sruli Farkas on their engagement
Rabbi Binyamin Miller (Educational Coordinator, Alisa Flatow International) and family on the birth of their son
Jocelyn (Alisa Flatow 5772 & 3) & Adam Block on the birth of their son
Tzippy (Secretary of English Speaking Programs) & Rav Shlomi Dayan on the birth of their son
Fran (Rakezet Shana BaAretz) and Rafi Miller on the birth of their daughter
Nechama Price (Yoatzot Halacha US Fellows 2013) on her position as Director of GPATS.
Dafna Siegman (Nishmat Faculty), Dani Gan Zvi and family on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Amichai Yitzchak
Laurie & Rav Moti Novick (Nishmat Faculty) and family on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Eliezer Baruch