Bobbijo Leah Powers (Alisa Flatow 5771) and David Nagar on their marriage
Shayna Rothman (Shana BaAretz 5771) and Ben Miller on their engagement
Stuart (Nishmat Chairman) and Claire Hershkowitz on the marriage of their daughter
Talia Greenstein (Shana BaAretz 5772) and Gavi Dov Hochsztein on their engagement
Rachel (Rellie) Berkowitz (Alisa Flatow 5770) and Yedidel on their engagement
Simi Peters (Director, Alisa Flatow International Program) and family on the birth of her grandson
Rav Yehoshua (Director, Shana BaAretz Program) and Jenny Weisberg on the birth of their son, Yonatan Tzur
Aviva (Shana BaAretz 5770) and Michael Sterman on the birth of their daughter, Shlomit
Aviela Flashner (Alisa Flatow 5769) and family on the birth of their son.
Ioana Goldstein (Alisa Flatow 5773) and Michel Apsan on the birth of their son
Hadassa (Alisa Flatow 5770) and Yosef Dina on the birth of a baby girl, Avigail Chaya. Mazal tov to big brother Nathaniel and big sister Atara Tiferet