Mazal Tov to the following families, students and alumnae on their Smachot!
Mazel Tov AFN Board member Robyn and Mark Tsesarsky on the marriage of their daughter, Isabel to Daniel Mael.
Mazel Tov to International Board of Governors Member Drs. Miriam and Felix Glaubach on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter.
Mazal tov to Yaffy Israel (SBA 5774) on her engagement to Nadav Newman.
Mazal tov to Shoshana Stitcher (SBA 5774) on her engagement to Yaakov Jacobs.
Mazal tov to Shira Redlich (SBA 5771) on her engagement to Daniel Eisman.
Mazal tov to Sarah Noble (SBA 5770) on her marriage to Adam Shafiyan.
Mazal tov to Camille (Herrmann) (TA 5770) and Shaul Spingarn on the bith of Yekoutiel Tsion.
Nishmat shares the sorrow of Rabbi Yechiel Epstein, President and founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews on the death of his father, Rabbi Dr. Shimon Eckstein. May he be comforted among all who mourn for Tzion and Yerushalayim.