Nishmat was honored to welcome Rabbi Dr. J.J. Schacter, University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University, Senior Scholar at the YU Center for the Jewish Future to Nishmat last week. Rabbi Schacter and his wife Rebbetzin Dr. Yocheved Schacter, toured Nishmat's expanded Monique C. Katz Campus and two floors of new classrooms in the Alisa M. Flatow building with Associate Dean Yoetzet Halacha Noa Lau. On recruitment trip for Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women and Yeshiva College, Rabbi Schacter gave a fascinating lecture to Nishmat's entire student body on "The Life and Methodology of Rashi." In addition to analyzing what Rashi is trying to accomplish in his many commentaries, Rabbi Schacter debunked the commonly held notion that Rashi produced wine for a living, citing research done by the great Rabbi Chaim Solevechik who proved that there was not a sufficient yield of grapes in the area of France where Rashi resided to produce more than an occasional bottle of wine. Students from every Nishmat program approached Rabbi Schacter after his lecture to discuss the many salient points he raised.