Nishmat News & Events

Sunday series: Faith in a World of Turmoil. These stellar thought-provoking classes feature Nishmat faculty members Rabbi Dr. Chanaya Blass, Yoatzot Halacha Ilana Hadad, Rachelle

Halachic Handbook for the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Jerusalem Post /’s “Halachic Handbook for the coronavirus pandemic” shares some of the guidelines we’ve recently

Tribal Blueprints
Nishmat Yoetzet Halacha Nechama Price, Director of Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Study for Women (GPATS),

Nishmat @30 Leadership Mission
For three days in Jerusalem, the women of the Nishmat@30 Leadership Mission studied Torah, engaged with students, faculty

Class of 2020. A Model of Diversity.
The first of September and the first of Elul coincided this year with the first day for Nishmat’s

YH Shoshana Samuels Returns to Nishmat
Veteran Yoetzet Halacha Shoshana Samuels stepped back into Nishmat’s Bet Midrash last week for the first time in

The Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem (Bayit Yehudi) Chagit Moshe
The Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem (Bayit Yehudi) Chagit Moshe visited Nishmat on Thursday to meet with staff, students

Shana BaAretz students…
Shana BaAretz students got up early Friday morning for a pre-Shabbat hike up Har Tzefachot. They davened shacharit

Why isn’t this everyone’s protest?
We’ve tried peaceful demonstrations in the past, and yet police officers harm Ethiopians while the public stays silent

We don’t trust the police to protect us
When a soldier killed a terrorist, he went to jail — how can a police officer just pull

Same story, just a different name
When a police officer’s bullet killed Salomon Teka, I thought everyone in Israel would understand our pain. I

Israel made us convert to Judaism and left my brother behind
The Ethiopian-Israeli protests express deep pain, bottled up inside for years, that erupted because our anguish fell on

I am working to bring hearts closer together
Even as I try to stitch the rift, I worry that violence may be the only way to

Woman To Woman
By LAURIE NOVICK June 5, 2019, 12:59 pm THE NEW YORK JEWISH WEEK Though our Sages assert that women have

7 Women. 4 Continents. 1 Beit Midrash.
Seven students from four continents celebrated completing study of a complex Talmud tractate, Chagigah, in Nishmat’s Bia Krys Bet

Captivated by Halacha 31 Scholars in 3 Days
Riveting lectures and discussions led by some of the Israel’s most highly regarded experts in Jewish law highlighted

Dreams. The world of Orthodox women’s Jewish education has changed rapidly, and it’s made my career, but too many were left behind
THE BLOGS Shayna Goldberg TIMES OF ISRAEL Did you ever have a dream that became a reality? When

Identity Seminar on Wheels
Last week, Nishmat student leaders in Midreshet Masa, our Identity Seminar on Wheels Program, practiced their presentation for

קבוץ גלויות
עולם התורה

לימוד ומנהיגות

צוות מעורר השראה

Alisa Flatow Programs:
Shana Ba’Aretz
Online Beit Midrash
Post College
Israeli Midrasha
Yoatzot Halacha

"It's been really amazing to be able to learn topics of interest together with my mom"
