Join women of all ages for inspiring and meaningful Torah-study and an opportunity to hone your text skills.
The Tuesday morning classes will take place simultaneously at Nishmat and over Zoom.
Nishmat offers weekly classes, holiday Yemei Iyun, a Winter Seminar and a Summer Program for English-speakers.
Beginners Talmud: Masechet Sukkah
Rabbanit Navit Tzadik
4:00-6:00pm IST/ 9:00-11:00am EST
In this course, we will embark on a journey of Talmudic study by exploring the profound discussions that occur in the Bet Midrash of the Sages. We too will be active members of the Bet Midrash as we engage with the text through chavruta (paired) learning at the beginning of each class.
This semester, our focus will be on selected sections of Tractate Sukkah. We will examine key topics such as exemptions from mitzvot (commandments) while engaged in other mitzvot, the prohibition of adding to mitzvot, the enhancement of mitzvot, the prohibition of performing a mitzvah while violating a prohibition, and the principle that hearing a statement is akin to answering it, among others.
Additionally, the tractate provides a detailed description of the Sukkot holiday practices during the time of the Temple, which will help us understand fundamental concepts about the Temple and their relevance to contemporary times. While a basic knowledge of Hebrew is encouraged, no prior knowledge of Hebrew or Talmud is required for this course.
17 sessions,
NIS 1020/$290
Intermediate Talmud: The Fourth Chapter of Tractate Brachot of the Babylonian Talmud
Rav Hanan Schlesinger
4:00-6:00pm IST/ 9:00-11:00am EST
In this course we will start our journey of studying Talmud. We will be learning the seventh chapter of Tractate Sotah. This chapter discusses different Jewish rituals and prayers discerning those permissible in any language and those specifically mandated in Hebrew. The chapter continues to discuss the terms and conditions the nation of Israel accepted as they entered the land of Israel. As we delve into the learning, we will discover the richness of the Talmud in many realms including halacha, history and philosophy. Each class will involve an introduction followed by chavrutah learning, where students engage in paired study and discussion. This will be followed by a frontal presentation and interactive class discussion. This course is designed for beginners and no prior background in Talmudic studies is or required for participation.
Praying With Heart, Mind and Soul: An Exploration of Tefilah
Rav Chaim Tabasky
4:00-5:00pm IST/ 9:00-10:00am EST
We will consider various cognitive, emotional and spiritual approaches to Jewish prayer, and see how they apply to an assortment of prayer texts. In the first semester we will first compare and contrast the approaches of Maharal and Rav Kook, and how they impact on halachot of tefilla. Then we will study some of the prayers with which we start the day (Modeh Ani, Birchot Hashachar, Ashrei, Shema Yisroel) and consider how our understanding of the text affects our emotional and spiritual devotion. Though all texts will be available in English, the course will include interpretations that should be of interest to those quite familiar with Jewish prayer.
17 Sessions,
NIS 510/ $145
Milk and Meat
Rav Da’vid Sperling
7:15-8:15pm IST/12:15-1:15pm EST
Sefer Shemot tells the fascinating story of Am Yisrael’s roller coaster journey from exile to redemption. It shows Am Yisrael at both their highest and lowest, as they rise from the oppression of slavery to hear Hashem at Ma’amad Har Sinai, then sink with the sin of the Golden Calf and rise again with the building of the Mishkan. It tells of the transformation of a nation of slaves into a nation of God, raising tons of ever relevant questions along the way. Why was the oppression and servitude a necessary part of Am Yisrael’s history? How does one fight against tyranny and despotic regimes? What does a fledgling nation need to become independent? What does it mean for Hashem to reveal Himself and how can one turn against God so soon afterwards? As we explore these and other issues, we will look to both classic and modern commentators, delving deeply into the text and its eternal messages.
18 sessions,
NIS 540/ $155
After Eden: From Kayin to the Tower of Babel
Simi Peters
9:00-11:30am IST
In this course we will explore how the Torah explains the history of humanity after Eden and before Avraham Avinu transforms the spiritual landscape, using sources from midrash and biblical commentary.
Fee: NIS 1125/ $320
Milk and Meat
Rav Da’vid Sperling
11:45am-12:45pm IST
This year we will learn the laws of Kashrut – Milk and Meat. We will focus our learning on an in depth understanding of the sources for the laws, and how they unfold through the Shulchan Aruch until present day application. By learning in such a way, we will not only understand them better, but come to a deeper appreciation for halacha in general, and how it is applied to our lives.
NIS 450/ $130
Preparing to Enter the Land: Topics in Sefer Devarim
Simi Peters
8:00-9:00pm IST/ 1:00-2:00pm EST
Deuteronomy describes how Israel is prepared for the transition from the encampment in the desert to sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael. Using sources from Hazal and the biblical commentators, we will explore topics such as the unique challenges of living in the land of Israel, the institution of the monarchy, the meaning of prophecy, the lessons of history, and the laws of war, among others.
NIS 450/ $130
מקדש, מלך ונביא: עיונים בספר מלכים
הרב דוד סבתו
2:00-4:00pm IST/ 7:00-9:00am EST
סיפורה המופלא של מלכות ישראל נפרש על פני תקופה ארוכה וסוערת של ארבע מאות שנים, ומקופל בין דפי ספר מלכים. סיפוריו נעים בין פסגות המקדש בירושלים – לתהומות עגלי זהב ופולחן הבעל, בין שגשוג כלכלי ופוליטי חסר תקדים, לפילוג, גלות וחורבן, ובין כוח פוליטי לאמת נבואית. בשיעור נעיין בפרקי ספר מלכים בשילוב של ניתוח פרשני-ספרותי, עם מבט היסטורי-רעיוני רחב על משמעויותיו ולקחיו.
Fee: NIS 960/ $275
Women an Halacha
Rabbanit Navit Tzadik
8:30-9:30pm IST/ 1:30-2:30pm EST
In a world that equality is such a central value, women’s place in Halachic Judaism raises a lot of questions. What mitzvot are women exempt from and why? Are women encouraged to learn Torah as men are? Should women be reciting a zimmun? Starting from the verses and halachic discussion in the Talmud, we will go through the different sources and rulings to help shape a better understanding of the value of equality in Halachic Judaism.
Though the class is only one hour and there will be no assigned chavruta time, questions and discussion on the sources is encouraged.
Fee: NIS 960/ $275
Teachers will be teaching new material at the start of each session/semester.
*This class will take place simultaneously at Nishmat and over Zoom.