Nishmat Online Beit Midrash 2023-2024
step 3

Nishmat's Alisa Flatow International Program runs from September to June, with an option of attending for only one semester.
We offer special Elul and Summer programs. We welcome students in all of these programs for full-time and part-time learning.
Students of all backgrounds and ages are encouraged to apply. We look forward to studying with you at Nishmat.
Academic Year *
Period of Study *

(If other, please specify dates)
Are you studying Full/Part Time? *
If part time, please contact Tzipora Templeman for specific prices [email protected] or +972-2-640-4341 or submit your application and Tzipora will be in touch with you.

If you are studying Full Time, are you applying for a space in the Nishmat Dormitory?

If you are applying for a space in the dormitory, have you ever lived away from home before? Please detail years (eg, for: Summer Camp, College, Abroad, Independently)
If you are studying Part Time, would you like to join our Meal Plan?
Hot lunch is available on class days. Please pre-register if you would like to join. Please see price list for cost details.

If you are studying Full Time, meals are included. Would you like a vegetarian meal?

Do you have any dietary restrictions/food allergies? If yes, please elaborate: