We know that practically, this summer, you may only be able to devote three days to learning, or even one day. We have options for you to fit your schedule. As always, it’s even possible to choose to learn daily for one to three weeks for morning or afternoon classes.This year, you might choose to spend half a day learning and half a day volunteering. We’ve enabled smaller commitments while also offering our classic full-time experience, designed for you to expand your knowledge and develop new skills in Tanach, Gemara, Halacha and Midrash. And, as always, whether this will be your first experience learning in a Beit Midrash or it’s your second home, we have a track and class for you. Contact us directly to customize your schedule here [email protected].
Sunday morning classes are standalone and independent from the rest of the week. While topically connected to the study from Monday through Wednesday, they do not require prior knowledge in order to attend.
No previous knowledge of Hebrew is necessary to attend. While our classes are based on classic Jewish sources in Hebrew and Aramaic, translations are available. Our teachers and tutors will help you prepare the material using word lists and other techniques that will enhance your skills at every level.
Absolutely! We have the most advanced text-based chavruta learning available, and we can’t wait to welcome you to our Beit Midrash. Click here for our advanced track schedule
Definitely! We have classes available on beginner and intermediate levels. Even if you have never studied Torah we can accommodate you; and if you went to day school, and even seminary but haven’t had a chance to learn in depth for a while, your seat awaits you in our Bet Midrash.
The start of classes is on Thursday, July 3, 2025.
Nishmat students come from a variety of Jewish denominations. The common denominator is a desire for greater commitment in their Judaism. On the Nishmat campus, we request that all students respect the laws of kashrut and Shabbat.
The first Shabbat will be free for you to visit family and friends. Hospitality can be arranged if needed. The second one is arranged by Nishmat and preceded by a tiyul. The third Shabbat will be held off-campus and include an organized Friday trip. This Shabbat will complete the three week experience and we hope that as many members of the group as possible will join.
After we have received your application, you should expect to receive an answer within 3 business days. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact Tzipora Templeman [email protected].
We offer financial aid based on need. For information, please email Tzipora [email protected].
There is a safe in the office where passports, important documents and cash can be kept. There is also a locked storeroom for larger items.