Summer Beit Midrash Schedule

The Summer Beit Midrash offers a wide array of fascinating classes taught by world-class Torah educators. 

Classes are taught at 3 different levels: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. 

When you arrive at the Summer Beit Midrash, Program Director Rabbanit Navit Tzadik will meet with you to help you choose the class schedule most suited to your level and interests.


Each day follows this approximate schedule:

Shacharit on the Roof
9:00-10:00Guest Speaker


*Class schedule is subject to change.

**Full printed schedules as well as Google Calendar links will be provided closer to the start of the program. 


Thursday July 3

9:00-11:00 Dormitory Check-In

11:00-13:00 Academic Registration for full-time students

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Shiur

15:00-18:30 Free Time

18:30 Dinner and activity with the Madricha


Friday July 4 Group Trip


Shabbat July 4-5 Shabbat at Nishmat with Nishmat Staff


Beginners Level Classes & Schedule

Little to no background in textual learning. No Hebrew required.

Click each week for a dropdown menu of classes

10:00-12:00 Underappreciated Women of the Tanach: Dina, Timna, Serach bat Asher, Osnat, Nitzevet Rabbanit Nechama Goldman

12:00-13:00 Jewish History Crash Course: Our Story Dina Blank

14:30-15:30 Sensing Hashem: Making a Blessing with Our Different Senses Rabbanit Navit Tzadik

15:40-16:40 An Exploration of Tefila Rav Chaim Tabasky

16:50-18:00 Becoming a Person of the Book Rav Chaim Tabasky

10:00-12:00 Jewish History Crash Course: Our Story Dina Blank

12:00-13:00 Tanach Moshe: The Man Behind the Leader Rabbanit Neima Novetsky

14:30-15:30 Hilchot Shabbat Rav Da’vid Sperling

15:40-16:40 An Exploration of Tefila Rav Chaim Tabasky

16:50-18:00 Becoming a Person of the Book Rav Chaim Tabasky

10:10-13:00 Torah Foundations: The Fundamental Teachings of the Five Books of the Torah Geula Twersky

14:30-15:30 Hilchot Shabbat Rav Da’vid Sperling

15:40-16:40 An Exploration of Tefila Rav Chaim Tabasky

16:50-18:00 Becoming a Person of the Book Rav Chaim Tabasky

Intermediate Level Classes & Schedule

Some background in textual learning. Comfortable with some Hebrew but with translations provided.

Click each week for a dropdown menu of classes

10:00-12:00 Jewish History: First Hand Accounts Dina Blank

12:00-13:00 Introduction to the Tanya (Chabad Chassidus) Rabbanit Nechama Goldman

14:30-15:30 Hilchot Shabbat Rav Da’vid Sperling

15:40-18:00 Entrepreneurship in Halacha Rav Daniel Mann

10:00-12:00 Tanach Moshe: The Man Behind the Leader Rabbanit Neima Novetsky

12:00-13:00 Jewish History: First Hand Accounts Dina Blank

14:30-15:30 Halacha Rav Ezra Schwartz

15:40-18:00 Entrepreneurship in Halacha Rav Daniel Mann


10:10-13:00 Tanach Rabbanit Chana Henkin

14:30-15:30 Sensing Hashem: Making a Blessing with Our Different Senses Rabbanit Navit Tzadik

15:40-18:00 Saving a Life on Shabbat: How Far Does It Go? Mishna, Gemara and Real Life Questions Today – in War and Peace Rabbanit Gilla Rosen

Advanced Level Classes & Schedule

High level of experience with textual learning. Comfortable learning sources in Hebrew without being given a translation. Many shiurim are entirely in Hebrew. 

Click each week for a dropdown menu of classes

10:10-13:00 נביאים אחרונים: נביאי שיבת ציון וחתימת הנבואה Rav David Sabato

14:30-15:30 Halacha Rav Ezra Schwartz

15:40-18:00 Talmud: Masechet Bikurim (Talmud Yerushalmi) Rav Jonathan Ziring 

10:10-13:00 זוגיות בספר בראשית Rabbanit Ilana Hadad

14:30-15:30 לחוש את הקב”ה: הלכות ברכות פחות מוכרות בימינו Rabbanit Navit Tzadik

15:40-18:00 Talmud: Masechet Bikurim (Talmud Yerushalmi) Rav Jonathan Ziring

10:10-13:00 Villains in Tanach Rabbanit Neima Novetsky

14:30-15:30 ספק פיקוח נפש דוחה שבת: האם מותר לחזור הביתה?
חידושים וסוגיות אקטואליות ברפואה ובמלחמת חרבות ברזל
 Rabbanit Gilla Rosen

15:40-18:00 Talmud: Masechet Bikurim (Talmud Yerushalmi) Rav Jonathan Ziring

All Students

Every morning Sunday-Wednesday there will be Guest Speakers from 9:00-10:00. 

Every Thursday morning, there will be a tiyul or volunteering activity.

Evening activities will be planned twice a week.

*Tiyulim and volunteering activities are included for full-time and half-time students. Part-time students can sign up for an additional fee.

**Evening activities are included for full-time students. Half-time and part-time students can sign up for an additional fee.



July 4-5 Shabbat at Nishmat

July 11-12 Free Shabbat

July 18-19 Away Shabbat location TBD

There will be special programming in the afternoon for the 17th of Tammuz on July 13. 

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