Summer 2024 Class Schedule
Summer Program 2024 Course Descriptions
Delving into
Our Forefathers’ Difficult Decisions – Rabbanit Neima Novetsky
Difficult times often means making difficult decisions, and sometimes every proposed “solution” appears problematic. What do you do when everyone involved disagrees about what is “right” and what is “wrong” or about how best to handle a problem? This mini course will look at a selection of stories in which Biblical figures are forced to make difficult decisions, whether in the personal or national realm. Through in depth study of the text, with the aid of our commentators, we will explore and question Sarah’s banishing of Yishmael, Moshe’s killing of the Egyptian, and Yiftach’s sacrificing of his daughter.
Chumash – Yaakov’s Return to Eretz Cana’an: Parshat Vayishlach – Rav Chaim Tabasky
With emphasis on Rashi’s method, we will use the confrontation with Eisav as a platform to consider the challenges of identity, returning to roots, and negotiating the dangers inherent in the Jewish experience.
Avot and Imahot: Learning from the First Two Jewish Marriages – Rabbanit Nechama Goldman
This course will take a deep dive into the relationships of Sarah and Avraham and Yitzchak and Rivka. Through psukim, midrash, mussar and chassidut, we will learn from our forefathers and foremothers about modern day relationships.
Talmud – Introduction to the Oral Law: Foundations of Prayer – Rachel Seidenberg
In this course students will gain an overview of the development, structure, and centrality of the Oral Law, as well as explore topics related to prayer as presented in the oral Jewish tradition. There will be a combination of guided chavruta learning as frontal class time and discussion.
Beginners and Intermediate
Halacha – Rav Da’vid Sperling
The world of Halacha is both all encompassing, complex, and visionary all at the same time. We will focus in our class at both applying halacha to our lives in a practical way, and reaching a deeper understanding of the depth of wisdom found in its teachings.
Our subjects will include Shabbat, Kashrut, Prayer, Charity, Interpersonal relationships – as well as allowing time for Q&A.
Hadlakat Ner Shabbat in Mishna, Midrash and Aggada – Rabbanit Gilla Rosen
The class is geared to intermediate and advanced students
Leadership in Times of Crisis – Rabbanit Neima Novetsky
As we all know, times of crisis call for good, strong leadership. But what makes such a leader? How does one handle dispute, rebellion, and opposing views of
“right” and “wrong”? This course will look at leaders from Biblical to Talmudic times who lead people in times of upheaval. How does Moshe handle rebellion in the wilderness? What do you do, if like Yirmeyahu, you speak truth but everyone around thinks you are lying? R. Yochanan ben Zakkai leads in a time of massive in-fighting within the nation, through to the destruction of the second Temple. How does one revive a nation after devastation; how does one bring
unity from discord?
Talmud – Rosh Hashana – Chapter Three – Rav Chaim Tabasky
In our study of sections about the mitzvah of shofar, we will concentrate on reading skills and understanding development of the sugya. Of
course, the mitzva itself and a variety of halachic issues will receive attention.
“תורה וגאולה בהסתר וגילוי פנים”
Rabbanit Ilana Hadad
נלמד על דרכי ההשגחה השונות לאורך ההיסטוריה של עם ישראל בימי התנ”ך. בהתגלותו של הקדוש ברוך הוא ובתגובתו של העם.
שו”תים חדשים ממלחמת בראשית
Rabbanit Navit Tzadik
המלחמה שנכפתה עלינו החל משמחת תורה השנה הביאה עמה מורכבויות שונות גם בתחום ההלכתי. עלו ועולות שאלות שעם ישראל עוד לא התמודד איתן. כדי לתת מענה לשאלות אלו, יש צורך להעמיק השורשים של הלכות הקשורות למלחמת מצווה ופיקוח נפש ציבורי. נלמד יחד שאלות מהשטח החל משאלות בענייני תפילה וכשרות של לוחמים ועד לשאלות של העורף בענייני שבת ונדה. נחווה ונטעם מהיווצרות ההלכה בימינו.