
Meet Shana BaAretz 5775 (Video)

Meet Shana BaAretz 5775 (Video)

Nishmat's Shana Ba'Aretz is a unique program for post high school students who are looking for a challenging year of Torah study in a completely Israeli environment. read more

Watch Highlights from the Yoatzot Graduation in NY

Watch Highlights from the Yoatzot Graduation in NY

Hundreds of friends, and family, and numerous rabbis took their place beside Nishmat Founder and Dean, Rabbanit Chana Henkin, in welcoming the first cohort of American-educated Yoatzot Halacha to their historic new place of leadership in Jewish life, on October 27, 2013 at Congregation Shearith Israel, The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in New York. read more